Trends and Innovations in Nurse Manager Retention
The second joint report from AONL and Laudio Insights provides new visibility into nurse manager workforce dynamics and turnover trends based on the Laudio Insights dataset, covering over 200,000 frontline team members. Key insights include: where nurse managers go when they leave, turnover trends by tenure, the impact of manager transitions on team retention, and more.
Coupling this data with findings from AONL-led interviews with high-performing nurse managers, the report also offers practical steps for improving manager support and retention across four key areas: ensuring a healthy work environment, promoting leadership development, developing future leaders early, and addressing role complexity.
Obtain your copy to:
- Explore trends in nurse manager retention and key factors affecting it
- Understand the quantifiable impact manager departures have on their teams
- Learn high-priority actions to boost manager satisfaction based on manager voice